Service Ontario (RIN) Registrant Identification Number
Please note that if you require a Registrant Identification Number (also known as RIN) for your vehicle and Service Ontario has requested that you provide a letter requesting this, we can help. This applies to both personal and corporate vehicle.
These letters have to be notarized. We can draft and notarize the letter. Or you can draft the letter yourself and have us notarize it. You can read more about these requirements on Service Ontario’s website. For our fees please refer to our Fees page.
We can also draft similar documents requested by Service Ontario, such as when making a change in your corporate address.
We ask that you find out all this information prior to attending our office. That is, please find 0ut exactly what Service Ontario needs from you and what their instructions are. We will not be able to determine this on your behalf. As always, we will take our instructions from you, as each person’s situation may be different. We do not provide legal advice.