Our covid-19 response
We take your and our staff’s safety very seriously. We were among the first businesses in our communities to close in response to the pandemic in March of this year. We have also been one of the last to reopen. All this, despite the fact that we never needed to close in the first place due to the fact that we meet the government’s mandatory closure exceptions. Rather, we chose to close out of an abundance of caution for your sake and ours.
PHASE RESPONSE – We wait until the Ontario government has announced at least a phase 2 in our community before reopening an office. This only occurs if the rate of transmission drops below a certain threshold.
LOCAL ASSESSMENT – We assess the level of risk on a city-by-city basis. Some of our offices open earlier than others as some of our cities are more impacted than others. We don’t reopen an office until we assess that it is safe to do so.
ENCOURAGE ONLINE SERVICE – We continue to encourage clients to use our online service when possible. This reduces the number of clients that attend our offices.
AIR PURIFIER – All of our offices are equipped with a Hepa Certified Air Purifier that is capable of capturing microdroplets which may carry the Coronavirus.
PLEXIGLASS PARTITION – All of our offices are equipped with a desktop plexiglass divider between the notary’s section of the office and the client.
HAND SANITIZER – All of our office contains hand sanitizers for the Notary as well as for the client.
EQUIPMENT SANITIZATION – We sanitize surfaces and payment machines between clients.
MASKS – All of our notaries and office staff wear masks throughout the day when serving clients.
MAX CAPACITY – We only allow a maximum of 2 people in our office, in addition to the notary, at any one time.
APPOINTMENTS – We are booking appointments in order to stagger visits from our clients to avoid having large groups of people congregating in our waiting areas.
If you suspect that you or someone that you are close to have contracted any viral infection please do not attend our office. If you are displaying any symptoms that are consistent with a viral infections (e.g. coughing, sneezing), even if you know it’s an allergy, please do not attend our office.
MASKS – Please wear a mask when attending any of our offices
NO ACCOMPANIMENT – Only people that have to be at our offices (i.e. people that have to sign a document) are allowed in. Do not bring anyone with you that does not have to be there.
COOPERATION – We ask you that you cooperate with our protocol for you safety and ours during this crises. Please keep in mind that our offices are private property. They are our personal spaces and you can only attend by invitation